A sturdy and simple to use bottle and mug press, the A4Skart Sublimation Bottle Heat Press Machine is ideal for any hobby or modest volume start-up business.
The heating elements of the bottle or mug are completely wrapped by this machine, which produces excellent results when used.
On the bottles and mugs, you may print logos, pictures, or any other design of your choice. You can then sell or give the items as gifts.
For those new to the sublimation business, the bottle heat press machine is a great option to start with.
How to Use
Set the time and temperature on the control box first, then get the mug or sipper bottle you wish to print on. Using sublimation tape, attach your design on the sipper bottle after printing it on sublimation paper. Once you are done placing it, slide the bottle into the heater of the bottle press as soon as it’s heated up and press away. Please be aware that there is a minuscule risk that a glass mug may break when pressure is applied to it while it is being heated.

As you squeeze the bottle, the timer will begin to count down. As soon as the time stops, pull the handle away and take out the bottle. You might need to wear a heat resistant glove to touch the bottle as it will be very hot. Once it cools down, strip away the sublimation paper, and you have an extremely beautiful printed sipper bottle ready for you!

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